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D&A Services Attends RMAI 2023 Conference

D&A Services Attends RMAI 2023 Conference
D&A Services Attends RMAI 2023 Conference

About RMAI:

Receivables Management Association International is the nonprofit trade association that represents more than 550 companies that support the purchase, sale, and collection of performing and nonperforming receivables on the secondary market. RMAI member companies work in a variety of financial services fields, including debt buying, collection agencies, law firms, originating creditors, and industry-related product and service providers. RMAI provides its members with extensive networking, educational, and business development opportunities in asset classes that span numerous industries. The association publishes a bi-annual magazine and monthly newsletter, provides educational and networking opportunities at major forums, events, and conferences, represents the membership before federal and state policymakers, and supports the industry where appropriate in appellate cases.

RMAI’s Receivables Management Certification Program and its Code of Ethics set the global standard within the receivables industry due to its rigorous uniform industry standards of best practice which focus on the protection of the consumer. RMAI continually sets the standard in the receivables management industry through its highly effective grassroots advocacy, conferences, committees, task forces, publications, webinars, teleconferences, and breaking news alerts.

Founded in 1997, RMAI is headquartered in Sacramento, California. 

Link: https://rmaintl.org/events/2023-annual-conference/

About RMAI International Annual Conference 

The annual RMAI International conference brings together all the players in the industry, welcoming over 1,100 attendees and showcasing over 100 exhibitors to provide abundant networking opportunities with key industry participants in the accounts receivable management industry. 

Educational sessions are focused on specific topic tracks including Compliance, Markets, and Operations. Other educational sessions are in a roundtable discussion format, bringing together some of the best minds for in-depth discussions on each topic. 

As RMAI International conference attendee since 1999 we are excited to participate in another conference with the organization. Each year we find that this conference brings together many of our clients in one hotel for socializing, networking and discussing changes to the business for the year. 

“In an industry where regulation is causing rapid changes in the way we do business, RMAI 2023 gives us an opportunity to learn from our peers and better understand how other organizations facing the same challenges are handling those issues” said Chief Risk Offer Jeff Hasenmiller. “We look forward to participating in discussions with regulators, creditors and our peers”. 

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